Gerd Jana Bielcikova Boris Hippolyte mike miller Christine Nattrass jaro
Betty Jon Gans Helen Caines manuel Sevil Selur Jamie Dunlop
Matt L. Oana C. Richard Christina M. Joern Putschke Elena Bruna
Stephen B. Anders K. per thomas hille Alice O. Rongrong M. Andrew Adare
Mark Heinz Ben H. Tomas A. Rosi Reed Stephen H. Tim Schuster
Megan Connors Li Yi Kirill Lapidus Salvatore Aiola James Mulligan Eliane Epple
Ruediger Haake Saehansel Oh Raymond Ehlers David Stewart Majka Michael Oliver
Audrey STAR Mike Sas Raghav Dan Caitie
The following is a listing of previous members of our group and where they are now

Assistant Professor

Gerd J. Kunde (Asst. Prof. 1997–2002)—Technical staff member at Los Alamos National Laboratory; Adjunct professor at University of Illinois at Chicago

Research Scientists and Postdoctoral Research Associates

Name Years at Yale Current Position
Laura Havener 2019 - 2023 Assistant Professor, Yale University
Mike Sas 2020 - 2022 Fellow, CERN
Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli 2020 - 2022 Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University
Audrey Francisco 2018 - 2020 Postdoctoral Researcher, Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont (LPC), (France), moving to permanent position at CEA IRFU, Saclay (France)
Saehanseul Oh 2017 - 2020 Professor, Sejong University (Korea)
Rüdiger Haake 2018 - 2019 Research and Development, Vector Informatik, Stuttgart, Germany
Eliane Epple 2015 - 2019 Postdoc, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Li Yi 2015 - 2018 Assistant Professor, Shandong University, China
Kirill Lapidus 2015 - 2018 Data Scientist, InfoWatch
Megan Connors 2011 - 2015 Assistant Professor, Georgia State University/Riken BNL Research Center
Tim Schuster 2011 - 2014 Data Scientist, YouTube
Rosi Reed 2011 - 2013 Associate Professor, Lehigh University
Andrew Adare 2009 - 2012 Software Engineer, Pyka
Per Thomas Hille 2009 - 2011 owner, Embbeded Consulting, Oslo, Norway
Elena Bruna 2008 - 2011 Physicist, INFN–University of Turin
Joern Putschke 2007 - 2011 Associate Professor, Wayne State University
Mark Heinz 2005 - 2010 Instructor, Kantonschule Wohlen, Bern, Switzerland and co-Dean, School of AI, Zurich, Switzerland
Sevil Salur 2006 - 2007 Associate Professor, Rutgers University
Jaro Bielcik 2004 - 2007 Associate Professor, Czech Tech. University–Prague
Jana Bielcikova 2004 - 2007 Sr. Scientist and Department Chair, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Matthew Lamont 2004 - 2007 Senior Data Scientist, AdTheorent, NY
Richard Witt 2004 - 2007 Associate Professor, US Naval Academy
Boris Hippolyte 2003 - 2005 Associate Professor, University of Strasbourg
Christina Markert 2002 - 2005 Professor, University of Texas–Austin
Helen Caines 2001 - 2004 Professor, Yale University
James C. Dunlop 2000 - 2003 Physicist, BNL
Brian Lasiuk 1997 - 2001 Chief Technology Officer, GE Healthcare
Thomas Ullrich 1996 - 1999 Adjunct Professor, Yale & Physicist, BNL

Graduate Students

Name Years at Yale Current Position
Hannah Bossi 2018 - 2023 Postdoctoral Researcher, MIT
Caitie Beattie 2018 - 2023 Medical Student, University of Vermont
Tong Liu 2017 - 2023 Employee, Squarepoint Capital
Daniel Nemes 2015 - 2023
Michael Oliver 2014 - 2022 Data Science Engineer,
David Stewart 2015 - 2021 Postdoctoral Researcher, Wayne State University
Raymond Ehlers 2013 - 2020 Postdoctoral Researcher, LBNL/UC Berkeley
Salvatore Aiola 2013 - 2018 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, INFN/University of Milan, Italy
James Mulligan 2012 - 2018 Postdoctoral Associate, University of CA – Berkeley and LBNL
Saehanseul Oh 2010 - 2017 Professor, Sejong University (Korea)
Stephen Horvat 2009 - 2017 Industry
Tomas Aronsson 2007 - 2014 Data Scientist, Zurich Global Corporation
Alice Ohlson 2009 - 2013 Associate Senior Lecturer, Lund University (Sweden)
Rongrong Ma 2008 - 2013 Goldhaber Fellow, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Ben Hicks 2007 - 2013 Industry
Anders Knospe 2003 - 2011 Assistant Professor, Lehigh University
Stephen Baumgart 2004 - 2009 Systems Engineer Physicist, Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA
Christine Nattrass 2003 - 2009 Associate Professor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Oana Catu [Theogarajan] 2003 - 2008 Senior Software Engineer, Mindbody, San Francisco
Betty Bezverkny Abelev 2000 - 2007 Data Scientist, StitchFix
Sevil Salur 2000 - 2006 Associate Professor, Rutgers University
Jonathan Gans 1994 - 2004 Group Leader, MIT Lincoln Labs
Michael Miller 1994 - 2004 Co–General Partner, Liquid 2 Ventures, Seattle
Manuel Calderón de la Barca Sanchez 1997 - 2002 Professor of Physics, University of California–Davis
Matthew Horsley 1996 - 2002 Physicist, LLNL
Jonathan Lenaghan 1994 - 2000 SVP, Product Development & Chief Scientist, PlaceIQ, Inc.

Undergraduate Students

Name Years at Yale Current Position
Sofia Checa 2017 Undergraduate at Yale
Ben Rosand 2017 Undergraduate at Yale
Owen Barrett 2012 - 2013 Undergraduate at Yale
Peter Karalekas 2012 - 2013 Undergraduate at Yale
Glen Meyerowitz 2012 - 2013 Undergraduate at Yale
Shibi Kannen 2011 - 2012 Undergraduate at Yale
Michael DiScala 2011 - 2012 Undergraduate at Yale
Steven Zwick 2011 - 2012 Undergraduate at Yale
Douglass Endrizzi 2007 - 2009 Graduate Student in Physics, U. Wisconsin
Ben Lash 2007 - 2009 Graduate Student at Rice University, Dept. of Env. Engineering
Matthew Smith 2007 - 2009 Graduate Student, Columbia University Physics Department
Bryan Ramson 2007 - 2008 Associate Scientist, Fermilab Neutrino Division
Bradley Willocks 2007 - 2008 Mathematics Graduate Student, University of Massachusetts–Amherst
Xieyue Fan 2005 - 2007 Graduate Student at London School of Economics
Sofia Magkiriadou 2005 - 2006 Physics PhD Graduate Student at Harvard
Ronli Phyllis Diakow 2005 - 2006
William Leight 2003 - 2004 Physics PhD Graduate Student at MIT
William Allan Braff 2001
James McGuire 1999 Economics Graduate Student at Stanford
Sunil Sainis 1998 - 1999 Engineer at E-Link Corporation, Boston
Shunjiang Xu 1998 Senior Design Engineer at Intel Corporation
Naomi Feiman 1997 - 1998 Pediatrician, Boulder, CO
Daniel Farkas 1997 Manager Contract R&D at ColdQuanta, Boulder, CO
Will Han
Jeffrey Satinover Physics PhD Graduate Student at University of Nice

In Memorium

Dick Majka, September 16, 1946—February 20, 2020 (At Yale 1969 - 2020)
