eDISK Distribution Page

What is it?:
eDISK is an interactive tool to learn/experience/calculate the kinematic of Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS). The kinematics of a DIS event is, while mathematically well described, not necessarily intuitive for non-experts. What is the scattering angle of the electron and what is its energy for a given x and Q2? Or, what is x and y for a given angle and energy of the scattered quark? What is the range of energies and angles for the kinematic region I am interested in? If you are in need for a simple way of finding answers to these questions, eDISK is for you. It not only calculates all relevant variables interactively but also visualizes the event for you. Click here for a screen shot of eDISK in action.
Legal Notes:
eDISK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
Copyright 2023 Thomas S. Ullrich
Supported Platforms
eDISK 1.05 is currently only supported on macOS. Previous version were tested also on Windows XP/Vista, and Red Hat and Scientific Linux
It will certainly run on different Linux flavors and other Windows versions but I have no time to support any other platform than macOS.
Version 1.20 (Recommended, December 2023)
Mac OS X (Installer) (tested on macOS 14.2).
Please note that you will get an error notice on the Mac about an unidentified developer and the installation will be blocked. You have to go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy and explicitly allow the install. I am more than happy to share this app for free with everyone but I see little reason to pay Apple for the privilege to do so.
Source (Tar ball - allows to build executable on all platforms, requires Qt 6 or higher).
Linux/X11 and Windows: build from source (see README file)
Version 1.05
Mac OS X (Installer) (tested on macOS 12.3).
Please note that you will get an error notice on the Mac about an unidentified developer and the installation will be blocked. You have to go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy and explicitly allow the install. I am more than happy to share this app for free with everyone but I see little reason to pay Apple for the privilege to do so.
Source (Tar ball - allows to build executable on all platforms, requires Qt 5 or higher).
Linux/X11 and Windows: build from source (see README file)
Version 1.04
Mac OS X (Installer) (tested on Yosemite 10.10)
Source (Tar ball - allows to build executable on all platforms, requires Qt 5 or higher)
Linux/X11 and Windows: build from source (see README file)
Version 1.03 (First Release)
Windows (Setup program to install binary version)
Mac OS X (universal: PPC and Intel) (Zipped installer package for binary version)
Source (Tar ball - allows to build executable on all platforms, requires Qt 4.3 or higher)
Linux/X11: RPM for Linux comes soon (until then - build it from the source)