John W. Harris | D. Allan Bromley Professor of Physics, Yale University

John W. Harris Personal Pages - Kayaking
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Alaska 2016 - Kayak Crew
Blue Angels from ground - earth shaking
Co-Pilot to Pilot
Da Guys pretrip Juneau Alaska 2016
Flight from Seattle to San Juan Islands
Map - AZ & UT Kayak & Hike
Map - Lake Powell Kayak Trip
Night Over on Boat in San Juan Harbor
Two passengers to San Juan Islands

Kayaking in Alaska

Alaska 2016 - Rubin & Langfitt whale chase
Alaska 2016 - Rubin & Langfitt whale chase
Gerbert Glacier
Gerbert Glacier
Guys hats off
Guys hats off
Guys hats on
Guys hats on
John, glacier and clouds
John, glacier and clouds
Last morning harbormaster, landlord and friend
Last morning harbormaster, landlord and friend
One of many eagles
One of many eagles
Rubin-Langfitt action 1
Rubin-Langfitt action 1
Rubin-Langfitt action 2
Rubin-Langfitt action 2
Rubin-Langfitt action 3
Rubin-Langfitt action 3
Whale ahead 0
Whale ahead 0
Whale ahead 1
Whale ahead 1
Whale ahead 2
Whale ahead 2
Whale ahead 3
Whale ahead 3
Whale ahead blow
Whale ahead blow
Whale ahead fluke
Whale ahead fluke
Whale fluke
Whale fluke
Alaska 2016 - Keith & John close in on whales
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Alaska 2016 - Langfitt closes in on whales
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