Major Experimental Proposals
- Letter of Intent of ALICE 3: A next generation heavy-ion experiment at the LHC , 2022, ALICE
(Submitted to LHCC March 2022).
- ALICE-USA Barrel Tracking Upgrade Proposal, 2015, ALICE Collaboration, CERN
(approval by DOE, 2015)
- ALICE Time Projection Chamber Upgrade Technical Design Proposal and Report,
2014, ALICE Collaboration, CERN (approval by CERN, 2014).
- ALICE Electromagnetic Calorimeter Technical Design Proposal and Report, 2006, ALICE
(approval by CERN, November 2006).
- A Comprehensive New Detector at RHIC-II, Expression of Interest, 2004.
R2D Collaboration, nucl-ex/0503002 (decision postponed in 2005).
- An Experiment for Particle and Jet Production at Midrapidity, Update to the RHIC Letter of
The STAR Collaboration, Reports LBL-31040 and UC-414, July 1991 (approved in 1991).
- An Experiment for Particle and Jet Production at Midrapidity, RHIC Letter of Intent, 1990.
K. Kadija et al., Reports LBL-296 51 and UC-414, Sept. 1990.
- NA49 IONS/TPC-HADRONS, Large Acceptance Hadron Detector for an Investigation of Pb- and
Reactions at the CERN SPS. Proposal NA49, September 1991. NA49 Collaboration (approved in
- Study of Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at 60 and 200 GeV per Nucleon. Proposal
CERN/SPSC/85-36, 1 September 1985.NA35 Collaboration: Athens, Bari, CERN, LBL,
Frankfurt, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Krakow, Marburg, Texas A&M, Warsaw, Zagreb Collaboration
in 1985).
- Study of Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Reactions Induced by 16O Beams of 9 - 13 GeV per
Nucleon at
the CERN PS. Proposal PS190, CERN/PSCC 82-1/PSCC/ P53, 26 January 1982.GSI-Darmstadt, LBL,
Heidelberg, Marburg, Warsaw Collaboration. (approved in 1982, transferred to SPS).
- Study of Particle Production and Target Fragmentation in Central 20Ne on Pb Reactions at 12
GeV per
Nucleon Energy of the CERN PS External Beam. Letter of Intent, 1981.GSI-Darmstadt - R. Bock,
Gutbrod, J. Harris, H.G. Ritter, A. Sandoval, H. Stelzer, R. Stock, H. Stroebele, F. Weik,
Wieman; U. Marburg – M.R. Maier, F. Puehlhofer, R.E. Renfordt; LBL – A.M. Poskanzer, H.
Pugh, L.S.
Schroeder, A. Warwick, K.L. Wolf, H. Grunder. (Initiation of the CERN SPS Heavy Ion Program)