
Keith Baker, Professor of Physics at Yale, is an experimental particle physicist whose research is in the ATLAS collaboration at CERN's Large Hadron Collider. He and his research team helped to construct the straw-tube tracking chambers, then also wrote and used a Machine Learning analysis code that was used in the Higgs boson discovery. Baker's group now pursues the two related research projects (1) search for new Dark Sector particles and forces using the Higgs boson as a portal, and (2) how quantum entanglement and Quantum Information Science can manifest themselves in high energy collider physics. Baker's interest in physics began when he was growing up in Arkansas and Tennessee. That passion blossomed and grew while he was a student at MIT and then Stanford University. He is especially grateful to have been mentored by some of the very best senior scientists in the field, and to have collaborated with some amazing young students and postdoctoral researchers in these projects over the years. Keith thoroughly enjoys hanging out with his wife of more than three decades and their two beautiful daughters and extended family.


Sarah Demers is a particle physicist and an Associate Professor of Physics at Yale University. As a member of one of the collaborations that discovered the Higgs Boson in 2012, she is exploring the fundamental building blocks of nature and the forces that govern their interactions with a few thousand of her best friends using high energy proton collisions from CERN's Large Hadron Collider. She first became intrigued by particle physics while working with a research group at Harvard University around the time of the discovery of the top quark when she was an undergraduate. She followed this interest to graduate school at the University of Rochester and postdoctoral work at Stanford's Linear Accelerator Laboratory before joining Yale's faculty in 2009. Her research expertise is in using the tau lepton, a fundamental particle that lives for a fraction of a fraction of a second, to probe for and understand new physics. She has been recognized with an Early Career Award from the Department of Energy for this work. She currently leads one of the analysis groups that is characterizing the Higgs Boson at CERN's ATLAS experiment using taus. She is an intrepid participant in outreach activities, having competed in the first and only "Physics Slam on Ice" in 2013 in Minnesota, and more locally appearing on WNPR's Colin McEnroe show. When she is not doing physics she is thinking about it while canning, pureeing and dehydrating the results of her children (ages 8 and 11) and husband's foraging exploits in the woods and fields surrounding New Haven. She recently co-wrote a book, "Physics and Dance" with Emily Coates.


John Harris is D. Allan Bromley Professor of Physics at Yale and Fellow of the American Physical Society. He serves as Associate Chair of the Physics Department at Yale and is Chairperson of the Collaboration Board for the ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland. His research has spanned international scientific collaborations and has focused on collisions of atomic nuclei at very near the speed of light, recreating the primordial quark soup of the Big Bang. He was the Founding Spokesman of STAR, an experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider in New York, and the 1st US National Coordinator of ALICE. He received his BS from the University of Washington in Seattle and his PhD from Stony Brook University. Before coming to Yale, he was a Fellow and Senior Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (UC-Berkeley) with various fellowships and stays at the Goethe University and GSI Laboratory in Germany, and CERN in Switzerland. He truly enjoys teaching, especially a course he developed at Yale called “Quantum Physics and Beyond” that is on contemporary topics in physics. He appeared in a documentary film about personal aspects of science (described below) that he co-produced with Ágnes Mócsy. Aside from a healthy passion for physics and the outdoors, John travels the world to windy surf-spots in California, Hawaii, Panama, and the Caribbean to satisfy his “sick passion” for kitesurfing, also to snowy peaks for snowboarding!


Agnes Mocsy
Theoretical physicist Ágnes Mócsy (she/her/hers) is a Visiting Professor in the Physics Department as part of the Yale Presidential Fellow Program, on leave from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY. Ágnes, a Fellow of the American Physical Society, has made groundbreaking contributions to the study of the nature of matter when its temperature is cranked up to several trillion degrees, a condition that existed a millionth of a second after the Big Bang. Her current career focus is interdisciplinary—exploring physics in conjunction with the arts, and questions of social justice, particularly through the climate of science. Passion for spreading her love of learning is the driving force between her experimental approaches to physics education both inside and outside of academic settings. Her first documentary film Smashing Matters: Behind the Science Scene premiered at the New Haven Documentary Film Festival in 2017. She has written for the HuffPost, has produced and performed various science communication shows in NYC venues, including science-inspired fashion shows. Previously, Ágnes has held positions at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark; as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, and at the RIKEN-BNL Center at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY; and visiting appointments at École Polytechnique and CEA Saclay in Paris, France. She is on the advisory board of SistersMATR, an organization by and for “Daughters, Dreamers, Doers and Disrupters”, especially for young women of color. She loves spending time immersed in the world of books, the beat of music, and delicious cuisine, stimulated by theatre or chilled through meditation. In her free time (wait, what? what’s that?!) you might find her on her road bike or sipping a cocktail under a palm tree tree (or at least dreaming about it...).


Carl Zimmer
Carl Zimmer is Professor Adjunct in Yale's Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry and a Columnist and Writer for the New York Times, where he is best known for his weekly Science column “Matter.” He has written articles for magazines including National Geographic, Wired, and The Atlantic. He is the author of thirteen books, and, his most recent, She Has Her Mother’s Laugh: The Power, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity, was named as a notable book of the year by The New York Times Book Review. Publisher’s Weekly picked it for their Ten Best Books of 2018, and The Guardian picked it as the best science book of 2018. In 2019, Zimmer created “What Is Life?”, an eight-episode series of live conversations with leading thinkers about why life exists, how it began, and other big questions about existence. He has a B.A. in physics from Reed College, a Ph.D. in theoretical physics from Stanford University and a certificate in improv comedy from the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater. He has earned awards from the National Academies and the American Association for the Advancement of Science for his science writing, as well as the Stephen Jay Gould Prize, awarded by the Society for the Study of Evolution to recognize individuals whose sustained efforts have advanced public understanding of evolutionary science. He is a frequent guest on radio programs such as Radiolab. He lives in Connecticut with his wife Grace and their children, Charlotte and Veronica.