
Click here for pdf file of my published papers


Auguast 2010 ''RHIC and the QGP at 10: from the "age of discovery" to the "age of exploration"." Invited Talk, QCHS IX, Madrid, Spain pdf file

June 2010 ''Two particle correlations at RHIC." Invited Talk, JET Workshop, LBNL, CA pdf file

May 2010 ''Global Properties of p-p Collisions at RHIC at 200 GeV." Invited Talk, Properties of Hot QCD Matter, INT, Seattle, WA pdf file

April 2010 ''Jet reconstruction - Understanding the background and biases is key." Invited Talk, RHIC Paradigms, Austin, Tx pdf file

Dec 2009 ''Accuracy versus Precision - How well do our data agree?." Invited Talk, Joint CATHIE/TechQM workshop, BNL, NY pdf file

Oct 2009 ''The present status and future physics program of RHIC - The Heavy-Ion Collisions." Invited Talk, Joint APS/JPS Meeting, Hawaii pdf file

Sept 2009 ''Introduction to Heavy-Ion Physics." 3 lectures at UK Nuclear Physics Sumer School, Leicester, UK lecture 1 , lecture 2 , lecture 3

Aug 2009 ''Heavy-Ion Collisions - examining the QGP." Invited Talk, Physics in Collisions, Kobe, Japan pdf file

July 2009 ''Underlying Event Studies at RHIC." Invited Talk, DPF Detroit, MI pdf file

July 2009 ''Pythia at RHIC." Invited Talk, PHENIX Spinfest Month BNL, NY pdf file

June 2009 ''Jets and the UE in p+p Collisions at 200 GeV." Invited Talk, Workshop on High pT Probes in p+p, RHIC/AGS Users meeting, BNL., NY pdf file

April 2009 ''Using Identified Particles to Study p+p Collisions at RHIC" Invited Talk, 1st Joint Workshop of Energy Scaling of Hadronic Collisions, Fermi Lab., Il pdf file

April 2009 ''Creating Quark Soup" Colloquium, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa pdf file

March 2009 ''Exploring Jet Properties in p+p Collisions at 200 GeV with STAR" Quark Matter, Knoxville, Te pdf file

March 2009 ''Decomposing p+p Events at sqrt(s) = 200 GeV with STAR " Poster, Quark Matter, Knoxville, Te ppt file

March 2009 ''The RHIC Beam Energy Scan - STAR's perspective" Invited Talk, Rencontres de Moriond, La Huille, Italy pdf file

Nov 2008 '' Using Particle Correlations to Probe the Medium Produced at RHIC " Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK pdf file

Nov 2008 '' Using Particle Correlations to Probe the Medium Produced at RHIC" Oxford University, Oxford, UK pdf file

Oct 2008 '' Using Identified Particles to Probe the Medium Produced at RHIC" Invited talk, XII Mexican School of Particles and Fields pdf file

Sept 2008 ''Probing the Properties of the Matter Created at RHIC" Invited talk, ISMD, Hamburg pdf file

August 2008 '' STAR and the RHIC Energy Scan " Invited talk, INT Workshop on the QCD Critical Point pdf file

July 2008 ''Recent Heavy-Ion Results from RHIC - Evidence for a New State of Matter" Invited talk, Low-x Meeting, Crete pdf file

May 2008 ''Using Particle Correlations to Probe the Medium Produced at RHIC" Invited talk, Cross Institute Seminar, JINR, Russia pdf file

May 2008 ''STAR's Upgrades -A Path to the Future" Invited talk, RHIC/AGS USers meeting, Workshop on RHIC upgrades pdf file

April 2008 ''Using Particle jet Correlations to Probe the Medium at RHIC" DIS 2008, Unviersity College, London pdf file

Feb 2008 ''Highlights of the Highlights from STAR at QM2008" Invited Talk, BNL QM2008 Overview Symposium, BNL pdf file

Feb 2007 ''Questions for the LHC Resulting from Strangeness" Invited Talk, ALICE Physics Week, Munster pdf file

Sept 2006 ''Questions for the LHC Resulting from RHIC Strangeness" Invited Talk, Soft Physics at the LHC, Catania ppt file

June 2006 '' Collisions at RHIC are very strange" Invited talk, New London, NH, ppt file

May 2006 '' Strangeness and entropy" Nuclear seminar, Strasbourg, France, ppt file

May 2006 '' Is soft physics entropy driven?" Invited talk, Hot Quarks, Sardinia, Italy, ppt file

April 2005 '' Sampling the flavour of the Quark-Gluon Plasma" Yale Colloquium, New Haven, CT, ppt file

March 2006 '' Using strange hadrons yields as probes of dense matter" Invited talk, Strange Quark Matter, L.A., CA, ppt file

Dec. 2005 '' Recent results from STAR" Invited talk Physics of Hadronic Interactions at LHC - ALICE Physics Week ppt file

Oct. 2005 '' A few observations on strangeness production at SPS and RHIC" Invited talk PANIC'05, Santa Fe, NM, ppt file

Sept. 2005 ''Recent Results on Strangeness and Exotics at RHIC"Invited talk, workshop "Strongly interacting matter probed at RHIC", DNP, Hawaii, ppt file

Sept. 2005 ''Present and future measurements on hadronization in strongly interacting partonic matter at RHIC and RHIC-II." Contributed talk, DNP, Hawaii, ppt file

April 2005 ''Summary of progress towards determining the Equation of State at RHIC-II" RHIC-II "The Next Phase" Summary talk, Science Workshop, BNL, NY, ppt file

Jan. 2005 ''Hunting for Free Quarks" Invited Lecture for the Undergraduate Physics Society, Society Yale University, New Haven, CT ppt file

Oct. 2004 ''Starting the Energy Scan - 1st First Results from 62.4 GeV Au+Au Collisions" Introduction talk at mini-symposium on first results from 62.4 GeV Run at RHIC, DNP, Chicago, Il ppt file

Oct. 2004 ''Bulk Matter Properties at RHIC" Meeting of the APS Group on Hadron Physics, Fermi Lab., Batavia, Il ppt file

Oct. 2004 ''A New Comprehensive Detector for RHIC-II" CAARI 2004, Fort Worth, Tx ppt file

Sept. 2004 ''Volume Effects on Strangeness Production" Strange Quark Matter, Cape Town, South Africa ppt file

July 2004 ''Why would I want to look at Strange Particle production?" Overview presentation, Hot Qarks, Taos, NM ppt file

June 2004 "The SVT - Lifetime and Future Physics" Workshop on Near Term Upgrades at RHIC, Yale University, New Haven, Ct ppt file

May 2004 ''The Strange Physics Occuring at RHIC - Workshop summary" RHIC/AGS Users Meeting, BNL, NY ppt file

March 2004 ''The Strange Physics Occuring at RHIC" Nuclear Physics seminar, Yale University, New Haven, Ct ppt file

March 2004 ''Playing with Goo - Attempting to Recreate Primordial Matter at a Trillion K" Physics Colloquium, Rochester University, Rochester, NY ppt file

April 2003 ''Hot Matter and Cool Results from RHIC '' QCD at the Interface of Particle and Nuclear Physics, APS Meeting, Philadelphia ppt file

March 2003 '' Update from STAR - Using Strangness to Probe the Collision'' 7th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Mtter (SQM), Atlantic Beach, North Carolina ppt file

March 2003 '' Student Talk on Designing Detector for Strangeness Measurements '' 7th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Mtter (SQM), Atlantic Beach, North Carolina ppt file

Nov 2002 '' Update on the Silicon Vertex Tracker of STAR '' 11th International Workshop of Vertex Detectors, Big Island, Hawaii ppt file

Aug 2002 `` An Overview of RHIC Strangeness Results ``     Current and Future Directions at RHIC - RIKEN BNL Research Center, Long Island, NY ppt file

Jan 2002 `` Strange Spectra - New Results from STAR ``     18th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Nassau, Bahamas ppt file

November 2001 `` First results from the STAR detector at RHIC - Au-Au at 130 GeV/C ``     (Invited talk) Fourth International Conference of Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma (ICPAQGP), Jaipur, India ppt file

August 2001 `` A Strange Perspective - Preliminary results from the STAR detector at RHIC ``     American Chemical Society, Nuclear Division Symposium on RHIC Physics Chicago, IL ppt file

July 2001 `` A Strange Perspective - Preliminary results from the STAR detector at RHIC ``     Nuclear Physics Seminar, Yale University, New Haven, Conneticut ppt file

June 2001 `` Preliminary Strangeness results from the STAR detector at RHIC ``     Nuclear Physics Seminar, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan ppt file

May 2001 `` A Strange Perspective - Preliminary results from the STAR detector at RHIC ``     Nuclear Physics Seminar, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York ppt file

March 2001 `` Crossing a New Threshold - First Results from RHIC ``     Physics Colloquium, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio ppt file

March 2001 `` First Results on Strangeness at RHIC ``     Riken Theory Seminar, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, New York

January 2001 `` Strangeness Production at RHIC `` (Invited talk)     Quark Matter 2001, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Long Island, New York ppt file

November 2000 `` First results from the STAR experiment at RHIC: II ``     Sixteenth International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI), Denton, Texas

October 2000 `` Strangeness: First Results from the RHIC STAR experiment. ``     Toldeo Meeting of the Mid-West Nuclear Physics Groups, Toledo, Ohio

July 2000 `` An update on the Strangeness Production Measurements and H0 Di-Baryon Search as Performed by AGS Experiment 896. `` (Invited talk)     Strangeness 2000, Berkeley, CA

May 2000 `` Strangeness Production in Relativistic Heavy Ion Reactions at the BNL AGS. ``     Joint Ohio University/JLAB Workshop - Strange Quarks in Hadrons, Nuclei and Nuclear Matter, Athens, OH

April 2000 `` Year two tracking strategies for the STAR experiment. ``     Joint STAR/Alice Meeting, BNL, NY

Sept 1999 `` First Results from the H_0 Di-Baryon Search and Hyperon Production Measurements by the BNL-AGS Experiment E896. ``     Center of Nuclear Research, Kent State University, OH

July 1999 `` E896 - First Results from the H_0 Di-Baryon Search and Hyperon Production Measurements. ``     AGS/RHIC Users Meeting, BNL, NY ppt file

May 1999 `` First Results from the H_0 Di-Baryon Search and Hyperon Production Measurements by the AGS Experiment 896. `` (Invited talk)    Quark Matter '99, Torino, Italy

April 1999 `` How Strange? Strange Particle Measurements in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions. ``     Nuclear Physics Seminar, MIT, Cambridge, MA

March 1999 `` How Strange? Strange Particle Measurements in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions. ``     Nuclear Physics Seminar, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

March 1999 `` The Physics Capabilities of Star for the 1st Year running of RHIC . `` (Invited talk)     Relativistic Heavy Ion Mini-Symposium, APS Centennial Meeting, Atlanta, GA

October 1998 `` The Capabilities of Star to Measure Strangeness Production at RHIC . ``     Fall Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics, APS, Santa Fe, NM

July 1998 `` Strangeness and STAR. ``     Plenary session, STAR collaboration meeting, BNL, NY

May 1997 `` Strange particle production at 158 GeV/nucleon. ``     Workshop on Nuclear Physics, Burr Oak, OH.

May 1996 `` Preliminary results of the |S|=1 particle search by NA49. ``     KVI. University of Groningen, Netherlands

1994 `` Preliminary results of the negative particle production in 32^S collisions with Si, Cu, Ag and Pb reactions at 200 GeV/c. ``     I.O.P. Conference on Nuclear Physics, Brighton.