Helen Caines

Present Position : Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Yale University
Nationality         : British

Contact Information:

Wright Laboratory
Department of Physics
Yale University
272 Whitney Avenue
P.O.Box 208124
New Haven,CT 06520-8124
Email   : helen.caines.AT.yale.edu
Web Page: http://star.physics.yale.edu/users/caines

Phone  : 203-432-5831
Fax   : 203-432-8926


1996 Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Physics) School of Physics and Astronomy , University of Birmingham Birmingham, U.K.
1992 Degree of Bachelor of Science (Physics) School of Physics and Astronomy , University of Birmingham Birmingham, U.K.


2010-Present Associate Professor Department of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
2004-2010 Assistant Professor Department of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
2001-2004 Research Scientist Department of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
2000-2001 Research Associate 2 Department of Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
1996-2001 Postdoctoral Research Assistant Department of Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
1992-1996 Graduate Research Assistant Nuclear Physics Research Group, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, U.K.

Collaboration Memberships:

2008-Present ALICE Collaboration, CERN
1996-Present STAR Collaboration, BNL
1996-2001 E896 Collaboration, BNL
1992-1996 NA49 Collaboration, CERN

Professional Activities:

Feb 2008- Present Co-manager of STAR Upgrades
Feb 2008- Present Deputy Chair of STAR Council
Feb 2007-Feb 2008 Deputy Spokesperson of STAR
July 2006-Present Elected member of RHIC/AGS Users Executive Committee, BNL
Sept 2005-Sept 2006 Yale Physics Department Diversity Coordinator for Graduate Admissions
Sept 2005-Present Elected STAR Council member
Sept 2004-Present Member of STAR Advisory Board
Feb 2000-Dec 2001 Member of the STAR talks committee
Feb 1999-July 2004 Joint Strangeness Physics working group conveener for STAR
Dec 1998-Present SVT Software leader for STAR
Dec 1998-Present SDDA Software leader for E896
July 1998 Chair of Plenary session on the YEAR 1 running of STAR, STAR collaboration Meeting
July 1998-Aug 2000 Elected Junior representative for STAR council


2008 Elected Fellow of the Institute of Physics
2005 "Enseignant Invite" (Invited Professor) Fellowship, Strasbourg University, France
2003 Engineering and Physical Scienences Research Council Advanced Research Fellowshio, U.K.

Conference/Workshop Organization:

2008-Present Member of International Advisory Committee for Quark Mstter Conference Series
2007-Present Member of Organizing Committee for Hot Quarks International Workshop series
2006-Present Member of Organizing Committee for RHIC/AGS Users meeting
2004-Present Member of Organizing Committee for Yale High School Physics Olympics

Publications and Presentations:

For publications Click here
For presentations Click here


Undergraduate Advanced Classical Mechanics (Lagrange and Hamilton methods)
Graduate Computing for Scientific Research
Undergraduate Modern Physical Measurements Laboratory
Undergraduate Further Modern Physical Measurements Laboratory
Undergraduate General Physics Laboratory
Teaching Assistant Undergraduate mathematics

Referee Services:

Referee for American Physical Society Journals, Journal of Physics G (I.O.P.), Computer Physics Communications, Eauropean Physical Journal, DOE research proposals, NSF research proposals and, for the U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation.

Pdf/postscript version of this CV available upon request.